Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

I truly love saving beautiful pieces of furniture from landfill. 
My business ethics are rooted in respecting our planet and all of its inhabitants... Paint is good for the soul! 
I make the conscious decision to be mindful of the way I run my business and be responsible in the following ways... 


If you look inside the back of my van you'll see its full of old blankets and duvets... a much better option than single use plastic! I save these old duvets and blankets from the bin, instead of choosing bubble wrap and plastic, when I hand deliver my items I wrap them well in these to protect them in transit. 

Keep It Local 

I love working with other local businesses, I always buy local where I can. 
All of my branding and signage is designed and made by Steve at Pocket Designs and Signs
Keith at Handytech has made me loads of business tools with his laser cutter
Beth at Raven Gifts and Interiors displays some of her beautiful locally sourced products on a dresser of mine at her shop in Belper. 
That's just to name a few! 

Postal Orders

I reuse packaging when I post out your paint orders, why throw good boxes away? So if your Fusion delivery arrives in a box labelled cup handles or dog treats then you know what I've been buying lol. 

Church Renovations

We've had so much fun renovating the church, throughout the process we've reused materials, unearthed original features and held on to the character of the building. Next time you pop by I'll show you some of the features we've been able to repurpose. 

Fusion Mineral Paint 

I love this company, it has such strong values... where do I start!
Something which you may not know is that its a family run business which supports every single person in the team. They encourage creative confidence which works wonders for mental health and always strive to be inclusive and positive... the world needs more of that!