Fusionistas UK Furniture Painting Community

Fusionistas uk painting community

I set up our Fusionistas UK Furniture Painting Community Facebook group for its members to share their love of Fusion Mineral Paint and refinishing furniture... click on the link above to join the group and start sharing the painting fun!

This group is for us to build a community passionate about upcycling, let’s rescue pieces of furniture, save them from landfill and make them beautiful again! Let’s celebrate in each other’s success and encourage each other 😃

Please use this page for the following
🖌 Share before and after pics of your projects
🖌 Ask questions about your paint projects
🖌 Post pics of furniture that you would like to rehome

You can also find my live Facebook tutorials in this group. Catch up on past tutorials by reading my blog or selecting 'tutorials' from the popular topics at the top of the group.

I paint furniture commissions with Fusion Mineral Paint for a living so use the paint everyday and am so happy to share tips and experience with you all! Check out my Business Facebook page if you’d like to see pics of my commissions for inspiration.

Paint is good for the soul! Enjoy!

Life is art, paint your dreams